Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1975: 1970s Upper Peak Tram Terminus

1966: '66 Rain 2.jpg

1966: '66 Rain 3.jpg

1966: '66 Rain1.jpg

2018: Cowshed of the old Dairy Farm in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise.

2018: Cowshed of the old Dairy Farm in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise.

2018: Cowshed of the old Dairy Farm in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise.

2018: Cowshed of the old Dairy Farm in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise.

2018: Cowshed of the old Dairy Farm in Pok Fu Lam, near current day Consort Rise.

2018: Senior Staff Quarters at the old Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam

1903: 1900s Queen's Building

2018: 41991763_10216115014003835_276987998606721024_o.jpg

2018: 42045461_10216115015923883_454418857155624960_n.jpg

1935: St. John Hospital, Cheung Chau

: CX1.jpg

1987: CX2.jpg

: William Lay son of K.F. Lay - SCMP - 23 Nov 1937

: Lai Kam Fat’s dog - SCMP - 5 Dec 1938

: Lady Ho Kai - 60th birthday - SCMP - 14 Jan 1931

: Lucy (Knight) Ozorio - SCMP 8 Dec 1937

1906: Back of photo

1906: Building on the hill

1906: Buildings near Ah King's Slipway

1906: Men

1906: Wreckage
