Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1963: Watson's Advert 1963.jpg

1963: Mandarin Hotel Advert 1963.jpg


1966: Kowloon-Sand Pebbles movie location buildings

1952: Kowloon-Naval basin-Canton Road beyond HK Wharves

1900: K189 BACK

: Annotated K189

: Queen Street pier

1904: "View of Central Harbour from West Point"

1970: TST Aerial View

1939: Kowloon Naval Depot 1939

1939: Kowloon Naval Depot Aerial View

: Boiled egg mats.JPG

1975: Tsim_Sha_Tsui_Aerial_view_1975

: Notes on the Kew family

1972: Cotton Warehouse on Wanchai Road

1953: GwilliamAndCheung.jpg

1920: 1920s Chatham Road Pavilion

1961: 1961 Whitfield Barrack view

1966: 1966 Murray House

2018: Nathan-Road-vintage building-2018

: Front cover of "Tin Hats and Rice"

1926: Kwok Siu Lau's Comprador Agreement

1926: CCF02012016.jpg

: HK Kowloon Kadoorie Av Grand Court.JPG
