Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1930: Happy Valley 1930

1957: Map Wanchai Road 1957

1947: Happy Valley 1947

: Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 The Singapore Free Killadoon - Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 24 July 1903, Page 2

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: RMS Queen Elizabeth on fire

: 1914 Junction of Queen's Road Central and Wyndham Street

1924: Fan Hill Military Sites

1957: Fan Hill Camp Location

2012: Grand Court Kadoorie Avenue 01

2012: Grand Court Kadoorie Avenue 02

: Existing staircase

1913: Wanchai Lot Map 1913

1937: Wood Road 1936 Typhoon

1955: Wanchai Road looking East

: 1925 Wedding announcement

1966: Buildings near Royal Naval Dockyards

1925: Wanchai Road 1920s

1930: Lodging House in Wanchai
