Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2009: Shek Lung Kung Beacon - close-up view

1946: 1946 Japanese War Memorial

2009: Tin Ha Shan Summit - Stone Beacon

2009: Tin Ha Shan Summit - Stone Beacon

2009: Stone Beacon ruins at Tin Ha Shan summit, Clear Water Bay Rd

1941: Nanhai Ninja

1955: 1950s Sedan Chairs

: Chung Sing life guard club at Repulse Bay

: Kowloon, Hong Kong side?? I love the clothes....

: A small city

: Rice harvest

2018: Dairy Farm Silo near Pok Fu Lam Village

2018: Dairy Farm Silo near Pok Fu Lam Village

1925: 1920s Garden Road

1940: Mavis Ming & The Women's League of Health

: Dragon boat racing, ?where?

: Full rigged junk

: The Empire's bus service. Blue Funnel ship unloading in harbour, which Greek mythological figure was she named after?

: Rickshaws, where?Shatin?

: Paddy field management

: Sampans

: Queen Mary Hospital, probably

: Amah's quarters, Medical Superintendents House, Kowloon Hospital

: I remember these being used on Lantau

: Looks like Hong Kong side, but no idea
