Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1957: Peninsula Hotel -1957?

1945: 1945 Stanley Camp

1948: 1948 King's Building

1927: 1927 Kai Tak Airfield

1920: 1920 Water rationing Central

1920: 1920s water rationing

1970: t22 (Trailer Tram)

1963: Water rationing-everyone has to queue

1963: Water rationing-every possible container will have to suffice

1963: 1963 Water Rationing

1963: Assembling-multi-tap-distribution manifolds for street-side use

1963: Water-shortage-ship-tankers-chartered-by-government.

1963: Water shortages-empty reservoirs means water rationing

1963: Water rationing-isolating water supplies outside the Hilton Hotel

1963: The Hilton Hotel's well let them avoid the worst of the water rationing

1970: Normandie, 22 Severn Rd, The Peak

1935: Catherine Hellevik and her son Normann Hellevik

: 0fdca01a-608c-49ef-acc7-7d033b61993e.jpg

: Happy Valley Race Course 1957

1958: Happy Valley Race Course 1958

1900: postcards from 1900's

1963: 科士街牛房 Forbes Street Checkpoint and Abattoir 1963, Hong Kong

1954: 1954 Causeway Bay Tramline

1972: Tsuen_Wan_cemetery

: IMG_2167-back-row.jpg
