Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

: IMG_2167-2nd-row.jpg

: IMG_2167-3rd-row.jpg

: IMG_2167-4th-row.jpg

: IMG_2167-5th-row.jpg

1986: HUD_Expatriate_Staff_Quarters_in_Whampoa

: Main Entrance to South China Athletic Association Stadium 1958

1958: Hong Kong and South China Stadiums.1958.

1958: International Football—Goal.

: International Football—Goal.

1958: International Football Stadium 1958

1958: International Football 1958

: IMG_2167-front-row.jpg

1978: 1970s Whampoa Dockyard

2018: Water tank

2018: Lose yourself in yesterday HK.jpg

1920: Wanchai Praya c.1920s.jpg

2016: Lai Chi Kok Hospital 2016 courtyard

2016: Lai Chi Kok Hospital 2016 sign

2016: Lai Chi Kok Hospital 2016 small tower.jpg

1946: RAF Dakota crash -West Lantau Peak

1945: My Parents' Wedding in Hong Kong Hotel

1944: Arnold Offenberg

1944: Anneke Offenberg

1944: Tinneke Offenberg

1920: Bowen Drive Filter house.jpg
