Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1910: 1910s Astor House.jpg

: Repulse Bay Maybe.JPG

1968: Hong Kong Harbour and Peak Tram.JPG

: Carmen and Betty Repulse Bay Hong Kong 1970.JPG

: Red Sails in the Sunset.JPG

: Hong Kong Street Scene (2).JPG

: Victoria CBD.JPG

: Top Gear Discoteque.JPG

: Victoria with The Peak in Background.JPG

: Happy Valley Maybe.JPG

: HMAS Derwent with Sea Cat Missiles displayed HMS Tamar Basin.JPG

: Hong Kong Street Scene.JPG

: HMAS Melbourne HMS Tamar outer Basin.JPG

: Hong Kong Peak in Clouds.JPG

: Hong Kong Peak and Victoria.JPG

: Kowloon Side Star Ferry Terminal.JPG

1970: Australian Warships visit to Hong Kong

1970: Australian Warships visit to Hong Kong

: 56 Fld Sqn RE Tai Lam HK.jpg

: 56 Fld Sqn camp

1936: Fun on a gun

1936: Fun on a gun-social outing-1936

1968: BLUE SKY BAR matchbox cover

: Victoria Harbour from Peak with HMS Tamar at Top of Picture.jpg

: Wanchai Street Scene early 70's.jpg
