Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1965: 1965 North Point waterfront

1955: 4 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong, 1955. Mother with dogs

1955: Kent Road from outside No. 4, summer 1955

2017: Gwulo book - first copies

: Picture0128.jpg

: Picture0124.jpg

: Picture0127.jpg

1869: Duke of Edinburgh at Pedder's Wharf

1897: The Quarry Bay Sugar Refinery

1898: Kowloon City pier

2012: 29 Cumberland Road

2012: 7 Norfolk Road

2012: 7 Norfolk Road

2012: 12 Cumberland Road

2012: 12 Cumberland Road

2012: 16 Cumberland Road

2012: 16 Cumberland Road

: Map of Kowloon Tong walking route

: 2 York Road front view

: 2 York Road side view

1885: 1880s Happy Valley Racecourse

2016: Manure Pit at Chi Fu Valley

2014: Wilson Trail Stage 3 Statues

2014: Wilson Trail Stage 3 Statues

2014: Wilson Trail Stage 3 Statues
