Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: American Express Company Office

1985: 17159075_10209144594714012_8594702782651991136_o.jpg

2017: Birds at Kai Tak river

1969: 1960s Chatham Road

1990: Kwun Tong 1990/91

1975: 1975 Looking west to the Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pools, Lei Cheng Uk Estate is in the background 向西看李鄭屋游泳池,李鄭屋村在其後方

1966: 1964 Jordan Ferry Pier

1972: Lei Cheng Uk Swimming Pool

: IMG_6473.JPG

: IMG_6471 (2).JPG

: JLO SW slope Level 3

1949: CNAC & CAT airliners impounded at Kai Tak.jpg

: Marker Stone Aberdeen.JPG

1960: Victoria Harbour and the Macau Ferry Pier, Sheung Wan

: Policing Hong Kong book cover

1968: North Point estate = 北角1968

1920: 1920 Statue of King George V, Statue Square = 英皇佐治五世銅像

: 000006 (3).JPG

: 000007 (3).JPG

: Tuen Mun

: 000020 (8).JPG

1912: 1912 View from Abergeldie - Victoria Peak.jpg

1912: 1912 Abergeldie - Fung Shui.jpg

1910: Office Dutch India Commercial Bank 1910s

1912: 1912 view towards Kowloon from Abergeldie (in front).JPG
