Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2017: WWII Tai Mo Shan Japanese AA Gun Site No. 3

2017: Ceramic Insulator 1974

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (9).jpg

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (6).jpg

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (7).jpg

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (8).jpg

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (3).jpg

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (4).jpg

: Client private. Hong Kong 2011 (2).jpg

: Menu Illustration. Client The Repulse Bay Hotel. HK (2).jpg

: Client The Peninsula Group. Magazine article illustration (2).jpg

: Great_Wall_Studio_info.jpg

1920: 1920s Peak Residences

1927: 1927 HMS Argus

1928: HMS ARGUS-Aircraft Carrier-China Cruise-1927-1928.jpg

1936: Hong Kong Volunteers-Air Arm-camp-1936

1951: 1951 George Parks & Irina Smirnoff playing a duet

: Ship ohoy - Gunvor, Linga, Kari (Schou-Sørensen).jpg

: Plantation rd. Red hill (nearest), Bicton Burrington, Brockhurst, The Ridge, Mount Gough, Kirkendoa, The Bracket.JPG

1918: Arne Schou Sørensen.jpg

2017: donors.jpg

2017: outside.jpg

2017: renovated 1990s.jpg

2017: window.jpg

2017: window1.jpg
