Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2017: IronGate2_HKCemeteryHV_StubbsRdEntrance

2017: IronGate3_HKCemeteryHV_StubbsRdEntrance

2017: IronGate4_HKCemeteryHV_StubbsRdEntrance

1897: 1897 map of Tai Wong Lane & Street

1902: Methodist soldiers + sailors home

1902: Sailing boats

1902: Slipway

1902: 7+8 Praya East

1902: 9 + 10 Praya East

1902: 11 Praya East

1902: 13 Praya East

1902: 14 Praya East

1902: 15-22 Praya East

1902: Blue Buildings

1902: French Convent

1902: Maps of Wanchai seafront, 1897 & 1903

1902: Wanchai's seafront in 1902

1912: Three generations of Heards

1945: "Their birthplace was Jap camp"

1995: 50 years On

1945: Stanley Camp 1945

1917: DS PROMINENT.jpg

1917: SS Prominent baptized by Severine Schou-Sørensen.jpg

1919: 1919 Gunvor baptizes DS Hermelin

1919: 1919 DS Hermelin.jpg
