Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

: Trays, barrels and umbrellas

: Cheung Chau buildings

: Open ground in front of temple

: Buildings on southern hills

1950: 1950s Cheung Chau

1954: Liberty Theatre / 快樂戲院 (1954 stage widening)

1949: 1949 Hong Kong, Linen Chest, fashion show at Eucliff

1992: Aberdeen Harbour

1910: 1910s Royal Hong Kong Golf Clubhouse

: Happy Valley 1963 Chinese map.png
