Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: 15, Kennedy Road

1958: 1950s Kennedy Road

1945: 1945 HMS Nabcatcher's Bell

1966: Temporary structures form a transit camp for these future resettlement dwellers alongside a Kwun Tong estate 1966

1946: Airport coach pre-war survivor used by Japanese

1941: Pan American-CNAC group sheltering

2016: Squeezing into blacks link tunnel

: Devils Peak Tunnel Mid-Section

: Top-Shelter above Pok Fu Lam Reservoir

: Square pit next to Japanese Tunnels on blacks link

: Japanese Tunnel (1) with wide entrance

: Japanese tunnel (4), just past entrance

: PB 315 Kowloon Byewash Res.

: Japanese Tunnel Above Wong Nai Chung Gap

: Japanese Tunnel Entrance in Braemar Hill AOP

: Broken Floor Braemar Hill AOP

: Observation hole on Jardines lookout tunnel complex

: Snake in East Brigade HQ

: Stone Hill PB 2 Buried Loophole

: Stone Hill PB 1 Loophole

: Stone Hill PB1 (window??)

1941: Sampan Annie-August 1941

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall

2015: Gatekeeper's Lodge of Marble Hall
