Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2004: 2004 - Festival in Central

1930: 1930 YMT Ferry

1967: 1967 TST Hanoi Road

1966: 1966 Princess theater

1972: 1972 TST Peking Rd

1960: 1960 King Wah

1956: 1956 Approaching Kaitak

1956: 1956 Kwun Tong view

: DSC_4999.jpg

1955: Chao Fei Fei.jpg

2010: Finails from an old building in Central.JPG

: More finials from an old building in Central.JPG

1925: Hong Kong Central 1920's

: Wing On Detail.PNG

1938: 1938 Pavilion at Fairview, Conduit Road

1905: 1900s Wanchai Road, near No. 2 Police Station

1955: Conduit Road

: Crossroads

: Euston

: Hospitals

: Schools

2017: Map of buildings around Haddon Court

: Euston

1955: Pavilion

1955: c.1955 view over Sai Ying Pun
