Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1980: Tramcar depot - 1, Hong Kong, 1980

2014: Gordon-Hard-ex-British-Army facility-beach side ramp removed

1972: Wandering Shoe Repairer-Beacon Hill-1972.

1925: Shoemaker

1925: Back of postcard

1925: Basket of leather

1925: Tool cabinet

1925: Child

1925: Shoemaker's equipment

1925: Shoemaker's last

1925: 1920s Wandering Shoemaker

1922: 1922 C.E. Warren & Co Ltd Advertisement

1970: Pei_Ho_Street

1963: 1963 5 5 mong kok ferry pier

: Alhambra Theatre's Neighbours

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry

2004: 2004 - Queen's Pier

2004: 2004 - Cenotaph, St Andrew's Day

1960: 1960s Tiger Balm Gardens

1951: Causeway Bay (1951)

1951: Hong Kong Flotilla Crew Members (1951)

1951: High-ranking Visitors (1951)

1951: Inside a Nissen Hut of Hong Kong Flotilla (1951)
