Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1948: "View of camp with Kawloon City in the background"

1954: Ritz Theatre's Neighbours (1954)

: HK Tramways logos, 1904-2019

: Untitled (2).jpg

: Untitled (3).jpg

: Untitled (8).jpg

: Capitol Theatre - Synopsis - For Whom The Bell Tolls (1956)

1968: Golden Star Theatre 金星戲院 (1968)

1950: Granville Road - Firewood (1950)

1946: Hong Kong China Fleet Club Programme 1946

1891: Fly Point Bty 1891

1925: 1920s Brownies Part 2

1950: Grandview Film Company Limited 大觀片塲 shows Place Grandview Film Company Limited 大觀聲片有限公司 1935-1958.JPG

: Landau IMG_3106.JPG

: Landau IMG_3124.jpeg

1951: Barbara Landau

1954: 1950s Central Waterfront Reclamation and Harbour View

1954: 1954 Central Waterfront Reclamation

1953: 1950s Gloucester Road Waterfront

1953: 1950s Morrison Hill

1953: 1950s Bacteriological Institute / Pathological Institute

1955: Caine Road Police Quarters

1950: 19511257_10209613649163471_2858439294710888362_n.jpg

1989: Invitation to the Banquet at Joint-Declaration Signing (Chinese)

1984: Menu Cover at Joint Declaration Banquet 1984
