Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1918: 1918 Taikoo Sanitarium

1901: Devils Peak Bty (Gough) No 1 Position. Plan 1901. 1.JPG

1901: Devils Peak Bty (Gough) No 1 Position. Plan 1901. 2.JPG

1901: Devils Peak Bty (Gough) No 2 Position. Plan 1901. 1.JPG

1901: Devils Peak Bty (Gough) No 2 Position. Plan 1901. 2.JPG

1917: 1917 Army Ordnance Department

1960: Billy Tingle and I. 1960 Hong Kong

1971: 1971 Construction cross harbour tunnel

1960: 1960 Granville Road

1956: 1956 Granville Road

1960: 1960 Cornwall Avenue

: HF 3D Model

: View from King's Park

: View from East Ho Man Tin Service Reservoir Playground

: HF's 3D model

: define locations

1974: Hong Kong, Pottinger Street

1974: Hong Kong, Repulse Bay

1974: Hong Kong, Repulse Bay Hotel-2

1974: Hong Kong, Harbour Tunnel

1974: Hong Kong, Cross Harbour Tunnel, Hong Kong Entrance

1974: Hong Kong, Cross Harbour Tunnel, Kowloon Entrance

1899: 1899 Taikoo Ropeway

1906: 1906 Typhoon - N. S. Rosario

1906: 1906 Mountains
