Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: QBSAliceInWonderland2.1.jpg

2004: 2004 - construction of new Star Ferry Pier

2004: 2004 - construction of Central reclamation

2004: 2004 - construction of Central reclamation

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry Pier Central

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry Pier Central

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry clock

2004: 2004 - Star Ferry and reclamation

1918: Gunvor and Kari - Road embankment at North Point? .jpg

1910: View south2 from 44 Plantation road - Aberdeen reservoir.JPG

1910: View south3 from 44 Plantation road.JPG

1919: Peak Club program 1919.jpg

1910: Queens building.JPG

1919: Severine with Linga.JPG

1918: 44 Plt.rd. Staff and family in the garden.jpg

1919: On the staircase at home.JPG

1910: Seafront Hong Kong.JPG

1918: 44 Plt.rd. Staff and family in the garden.jpg

1919: On the staircase at home.JPG

1910: Seafront Hong Kong.JPG

1923: Where on earth is this.JPG

1920: Staff, children and nanny from Norway.JPG

1918: From left Arne, Kari, Severine.JPG

1919: Tour along Plantation road.JPG

1919: Linga (Fat Baby) and amah.jpg
