Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1971: Rickshaws Hong Kong 1971.jpg

1970: Red Lips Bar Kowloon 1970.jpg

1970: Little Sai Wan Hong Kong.jpg

1970: Jenny of Jenny's Side Party H.K..jpg

1970: Jenny's Side Party at work 1971.jpg

1971: HMAS Brisbane Hong Kong Harbour 1971.jpg

1970: Happy Valley Race Track HK.jpg

1970: Frapper and Carmen Repulse Bay 1970.JPG

1976: Washington Bar Wanchai HK (Party Ticket) HMAS Derwent 1976.jpg

1970: British Minesweepers of Hong Kong Squadron HMS Tamar.JPG

1970: Hong Kong Hilton early 1970's.JPG

1970: PICT0106.JPG

1970: Victoria with The Peak in Background Early 1970's.jpg

1970: Bars Kowloon mid 1970's.jpg

1972: Cross Harbour Tunnel 1972 Hong Kong.png

: Prince's Theatre - View from Nullah

: Island Theatre's Neighbours & Street Lamp

1980: Causeway Bay 1980

1980: View from the Peak in easterly direction

1924: View up the valley behind Quarry Bay (annotated)

1980: Jordan Road Ferry Piers 1980

1992: Yau Ma Tei reclamation starts

1936: Class Graduation (C1936)

2017: Li Sui Chi Cup2.JPG

: Zoom
