Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Track of the tropical cyclone from 9 to 16 July 1925 that affected the landslide at Po Hing Fong.

: Weather chart at 1400 H on 14 July 1925.

: Weather chart at 0600 H on 17 July 1925.

: Hourly mean wind speed and direction recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory on 14-17 July 1925

: Landslide fatalities in Hong Kong (Data source : GEO)

1950: 1950s Former Tai Koo Dockyard Staff Quarters (Sai Wan Ho)

1955: 1950s Ho Man Tin Hill Squatter Area

1955: 1950s Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison

1965: 1965 RAF Kai Tak

1955: 1955 Tide Cove near RAF Sha Tin

: Newspaper clipping 17.11.79.jpg

2016: 20160305_132233.jpg

2016: 20160305_132151.jpg

2017: 20170530_154522.jpg

2017: 20170530_154513.jpg

2017: 20170530_154553.jpg

2017: 20170530_154533.jpg

2017: 20170530_151544.jpg

2017: 20170530_151729.jpg

2017: 20170530_151633.jpg

2017: 20170530_151819.jpg

2017: 20170530_151754.jpg

: Bofors AA Gun at the Museum of Coastal Defence

: Chinese YMCA - Bridges Street - 1917 Corner Stone

1967: Fenwick Street, Wanchai, 1967
