Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1935: 1930s Mount Kellett

1961: 1961 Chatham Road Looking North

1963: 1963 TST Rooftop View Looking West

: Location.png

: 1963 Aerial.png

: Bunker Entrance 2.jpg

: Bunker Entrance.jpg

1953: c.1953 Shamrock Hotel

1959: 1959 Arch Erected for Duke of Edinburgh's Visit

1954: Edmund Blunden note

1959: 1959 Arch Erected for Duke of Edinburgh's Visit

1948: 1948 Wyndham Street

1910: c. 1910 Wyndham street

1956: RAF-Battle of Britain Week flypast-1956

: Bust of Edmund Blunden

1917: Hong Kong 1917

1958: 1958 Theatre Lane

1961: 1961 City Hall Construction

1962: 1962 China Fleet Club

2016: Tung Lung Island FOP Lower Level

2016: Tung Lung Island FOP side wall

2016: Tung Lung Island FOP Panoramic

2016: Tung Lung Island FOP

1918: 44 Plantation rd Burrington.jpg

1919: Arne holding Linga.JPG
