Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: Book page with Armend.jpg

1961: HongKongoutsidehousein61.jpg

1961: Northpoint1961Ellenand friend.jpg

1956: 1956 Balia's Concert at the Peninsula Hotel

1951: 1951 Concert by Mrs Nozadze's pupils @ the Peninsula Hotel

: 1951 Concert Pencil Sketch of pupils.jpg

: Peuster family gravestone

1908: Early picture of Peace and Liberty Avenues.jpg

1962: Mansion on Liberty Avenue.jpg

1948: Gloucester Hotel

1953: 1953 Kai Tak Airport

1966: University Halls after the landslide of June 1966

2017: IMG_1.JPG

2017: IMG_2.JPG

2017: IMG_3.JPG

2017: IMG_4.jpg

1925: Po Hing Fong Landslide

1897: Blake Garden Construction

1899: Blake Garden Looking West

1920: Map of area around Po Hing Fong

1920: Detail of map

1925: Clipping from Wa Kiu Yat Po for 18 July 1925

: A rough sketch of the street map around Po Hing Fong in the 1920s

: Workers clearing away the debris of the collapsed retaining wall and houses at Po Hing Fong in July 1925

: Hourly rainfall recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory from 14 to 17 July 1925
