Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: DSCF2880a.JPG

2016: Pottinger Peak AOP

: Pottinger Peak AOP

1941: 1941 Salesian Mission

2016: Block 10

2016: Wordsworth

2016: Tennyson

2016: Tennyson

2016: Block 3

2016: Block 3

2003: 2003 - the Peak

2003: 2003 - at the Peak

2003: 2003 - at the Peak

2003: 2003 - Peak garden panorama

2003: 2003 - Peak garden

2003: 2003 - Mountain Lodge Guard House

2003: 2003 - Mountain Lodge Guard House

2003: 2003 - view from the Peak

2003: 2003 - Cenotaph

1967: Dairy Farm ca1967-a.jpg

1967: Dairy Farm ca1967.jpg

2003: 2003 - Harbourfest

2003: 2003 - Harbourfest

2003: 2003 - Harbourfest

2003: 2003 - Harbourfest
