Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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: RAF Hanger

: This was one of the target towing Beaufighters in for servicing

1940: 1940-softball.jpeg

1934: "Elite Styles" advert

2016: Map of Sai Wan Hill Battery & Redoubt

2016: Enbrasure in front of Japanese tunnel

2016: Close-up of embrasure

2016: Fenced-off aerials on top of redoubt

2016: c.1844 Boundary marker / Trig point

2016: Inside the caponier

2016: Caponier seen from inside the redoubt

2016: Staircase down to caponier

2016: Water tank

2016: Column

2016: Column

2016: Top of Column

2016: Old entrance to redoubt

2016: Caponier from outside

2016: Opening on front of caponier

2016: SW corner of redoubt wall

2016: Trig point below Sai Wan Redoubt

2016: Tunnel entrance

2016: Looking in to tunnel

1926: 1920s Tram - Shaukiwan Road

1971: Hong Kong - Star Ferry Rickshaws - June 1971
