Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1906: gwulo-BA059A Bellevue.jpg

1886: Gwulo-A002-Bellevue.jpg

1951: gwulo-A430 Bellevue.jpg

1951: gwulo-A430 LRC+pool.jpg

1951: gwulo-A430 RC Cathedral.jpg

1951: gwulo-A430 TST - Hung Hom.jpg

1951: gwulo-A430 West Kowloon.jpg

1951: gwulo A430 Bank of China.jpg

1951: 1951 View from the Peak over Central to Kowloon

1984: Looking towards North Point from Victoria Park

1984: Kings Park

1985: HK_Shell_depot mid 1980's

1975: Rickshaws

2016: Portuguese Community School

2016: Portuguese Community School

2016: Portuguese Community School

2016: Portuguese Community School

2016: Portuguese Community School

: Defenses during Battle of Wong Nai Chung Gap

: PB 304 Tai Wai Railway Bridge

1960: 1960s Upper Peak Tram Station

: USS Charleston (1898)

1975: Johnston Road.jpg

1975: Statue Square

1951: HKAAF King's Birthday Parade.jpg
