Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1971: Hong Kong - Connaught Road - 24 June 1971

1971: Hong Kong - Leaving - 24 June 1971

: HMS Victorious Entering harbour 1961

2016: Tai Long

: DSCF3306a.JPG

: DSCF3305a.JPG

2016: 2016Nov14 1.jpg

2016: 2016Nov14 2.jpg

2003: 2003 - view from 46/F Central Plaza

2003: 2003 - view from 46/F Central Plaza

2003: 2003 - view from 46/F Central Plaza

2003: 2003 - view from 46/F Central Plaza

2003: 2003 - view from 46/F Central Plaza

2003: 2003 - view from 46/F Central Plaza

2016: Inside AOP below High West

2016: Inside AOP below High West

2016: Inside AOP below High West

1971: Castle Peak Bay - 20 June 1971

1949: Billy tingle picture.jpg

1971: Hong Kong - Vehicular Ferry Pier- June 1971

1971: Hong Kong - Blake Pier - June 1971

1971: Hong Kong - Victoria Harbour - June 1971

1900: City Hall


1900: Back
