Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1985: 1985 - Fringe Festival in Chater Road

1985: 1985 - Fringe Festival in Chater Road

1985: 1985 - Hong Kong Club

1985: 1985 - Exchange Square

1985: 1985 - HSBC Headquarters under construction

: Basel Mission

1959: 269QRE.jpg

1984: 1984 - view from Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - view from Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - view from Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - the Dragon at Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - the Dragon at Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - sky divers at Ocean Park

1984: 1984 - Ocean Park

: 2 Park Road

1912: 1912 HKU

2016: Basalt Island Memorial to Rong Yixin

2016: Basalt Island Memorial to Rong Yixin

2016: Basalt Island Memorial to Quentin Roosevelt

2016: Basalt Island Memorial to Quentin Roosevelt

1984: 1984 - Shaukeiwan Dragon Boat Races
