Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1984: 1984 - QE2 leaving Hong Kong

1984: 1984 - Flagstaff House - Tea Museum

1984: 1984 - Flagstaff House - Tea Museum

1984: 1984 - Flagstaff House - Tea Museum

1984: 1984 - Flagstaff House - Tea Museum

1984: 1984 - HSBC Headquarters under construction

1984: 1984 - view from the Peak

1984: 1984 - view from the Peak

: Map Publication Details

: War Office Hong Kong Map

: Tai Tam (War Office Hong Kong Map)

: Gough Street Steps.JPG

1946: Kowloon Canton Railway 1946

1900: H.E. Li-Hung-Chang and Governor Sir Henry Arthur Blake at Government House. 1900

: Seven and Sixpenny Hill

1911: Peak Tram, upper terminus

: Peak Tram, lower terminus

: Queen's Road Central

1984: 1984 - QE2 arriving at Ocean Terminal

1984: 1984 - QE2 arriving at Ocean Terminal

1984: 1984 - QE2 arriving at Ocean Terminal

1984: 1984 - QE2 arriving at Ocean Terminal

1984: 1984 - QE2 arriving at Ocean Terminal

1984: 1984 - QE2 at Ocean Terminal

2016: Lin Ma Hang Village with Maclntosh Fort in the foreground
