Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1947: Presentation to Sai Kung residents

1961: Foyer Foundation Stone 1961

1932: St. Teresa's Foundation Stone 1932

1897: Laying the foundation-stone of the New Hospital

1910: Foundation Stone University of Hong Kong 1910

2015: Gap Rock lighthouse foundation stone

1909: KCR under consruction in 1909

1910: Hillier Street Looking From Bonham Strand East. 1910

1900: Jervois Street, Central, 1900.

1900: City Hall, Central, Hong Kong. (late 1890s / early 1900s)

: Kowloon Tong garden 1932/3??

2016: 7 Lincoln Road Kowloon Tong 2016 front view

2016: 14 York Road Kowloon Tong 2016 side view

2016: 11 York Road Kowloon Tong 2016 front view

2016: 7 Lincoln Rd side view 2016

2016: Laneway between Cumberland & Stafford Rd June2016.jpg

2014: Chung Hom Kok Shan Water Tank

1905: 1905 Time ball

: Goot Kot Choy Anna Hunter Estate Notice.jpg

1935: The Markree Refractor.

1935: Hong Kong Telescope.

1955: Mid 50s in TST

2015: Military Shelters at Pokfulam Reservoir - Structure D at lower level

2015: Military Shelters at Pokfulam Reservoir - Structure D

2015: Military Shelters at Pokfulam Reservoir - Rusty Door
