Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1995: Chatham Path-golf buggy transport to house

1995: Chatham Path-transport to house

2016: Pillbox no.3 Tunnel Steel Door, Wong Nai Chung Gap

2016: Old path to Tai Tam Senior Staff Bungalow, Byewash Reservoir

1957: Alexandra House, Queens Road, Hong Kong - 1950's

1909: Alexandra Building, Hong Kong, 1909

1930: 1930s Garden Road Traffic Lights

1951: Branksome Towers

1951: Chatham Path

1951: Gladdon

1951: Route of Green Trail

1951: Inverdruie

1951: Piles

1951: Queen's Building

1951: Victoria Flats

1951: Messageries Maritimes advert, The China Mail 1951-01-02, pg10

1954: 1950s View of Central from the harbour

1975: 1975 RAF Sek Kong

1930: 1930s Kowloon City Police Station

1935: 1930s Tai Wan Beach, Hung Hom

1895: craigieburn 1880s from eternal1966.jpg

1927: Alexandra Building, Hong Kong, 1920's

1992: The Peak Tower. 1992

2016: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Stone Pillar

2016: Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Side Wall
