Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Side Wall | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Side Wall

Aberdeen Upper Battery Ruins - Side Wall
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Saturday, June 4, 2016


Freddie, had a look today at this battery and found quite a lot remianing just down the hill from you 2016 images.  There is a large gun pit, traverse wall (3 metres hight), a detached expense magazine or war shelter, two battery buildings and a BCP.  Just bleow the BCP is a short trench with another concrte shelter/position.

Could only find one gun pit, but the other could be lower down.  

Will post some iamges later.

Well done Johnc!  I had a look around the site of Freddie's pics,  but after staring  down the steep and jungle clad slope I chickened out of going  any further  on the basis that "it doesn't  look like there's anything  there". My mistake. Looking  forward to seeing  your photos. 

Hi GW,

I remember one of those ruins is just a little beyond the walk-way shown here.  The low wall on the other photo could be access through these steps, which open up to a relative flat piece of land.  It is behind some bushes. I was there in 2015.  It seems it had further collasped in 2016.