Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2011: New Lucky House

1949: AOP Auster-temp location near the border-1949

1949: AOP Auster-temp location near the border-1949

1962: RAF Shatin-aftermath of Typhoon Wanda-1962

1960: Hong Kong-RAF Shatin-3 Austers in compound & 1 taking off-see shadow on runway-1960

1960: RAF Shatin-headquarters location

1935: Grief on a beach-1935

1943: American air strike on harbour shipping-16 November 1943

1949: BOAC half-bus to Kai Tak from the Peninsula Hotel

1961: 1961 Statue Square - Princess Alexandra's Visit

1972: HUD-Hydrofoils + Jetfoil + base of hammerhead crane-1972

1978: 1978 Central Fire Station

1978: 1978 Marine Department

1978: 1978 Marine Department

1950: 1950s Junction of Nathan and Jordan Roads

1980: 1980 - walking to Chi Ma Wan

1980: 1980 - walking to Chi Ma Wan

1980: 1980 - Chi Ma Wan refugee camp

1980: 1980 - Chi Ma Wan refugee camp

1980: 1980 - Chi Ma Wan refugee camp

1980: 1980 - Chi Ma Wan

1968: 1968 Looking northwest to Wah Fu Estate

1990: 1990 The small island of Chek lap Kok is the site chosen for Hong Kong's new International Airport

1981: 1981 Wah Fu, Hong Kong's largest public estate

1974: Hong Kong, Wah Fu Estate, Government Low Cost House
