Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1980: 1980 - Tai Hang Fire Dragon

1980: 1980 - Tai Hang Fire Dragon

1980: 1980 - Tai Hang Fire Dragon

1980: 1980 - Tai Hang Fire Dragon

1980: 1980 - Tai Hang Fire Dragon

1980: 1980 - Tai Hang Fire Dragon

1980: 1980 - view to Aberdeen from Ocean Park

1980: 1980 - view from Ocean Park

1980: 1980 - view to Deep Water Bay from Ocean Park

1915: 1915 Hong Kong Cricket Club Tennis Match

: Following in dad's footsteps

: Hugging the wall roughly where I was born

1920: Causeway Bay.jpg

2016: Causeway Bay map.jpg

1962: 1962 Junction of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road

1974: Market Row (Ship Street)

1987: 1987 華富村薄扶林高級消防官員宿舍/Pokfulam senior fire officials hostel Wah Fu Estate

1987: 1987 華富村薄扶林高級消防官員宿舍/Pokfulam senior fire officials hostel Wah Fu Estate

1983: 1983 華富村挖山/Wah Fu Estate digging

1895: 1895 Cochrane Street

1961: 1961 Salisbury Road

1938: 1938 Wyndham Street

1980: 1980 - Chiu Chow festival, Causeway Bay

1980: 1980 - Chiu Chow festival, Causeway Bay

1980: 1980 - Chiu Chow festival, Causeway Bay
