Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1972: Breamar Hill 1972 - 1.jpeg

1948: Holt's Wharf Staff Retirement 1948.jpg

1956: 1956 Welfare Handicrafts Shop

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Tai Tam Country Park

1980: 1980 - Central at night

1980: 1980 - Central at night

1980: 1980 - Causeway Bay at night

1980: 1980 - Causeway Bay at night

1920: Postcards of Statue Square

2013: Barbara Anslow, Feb 2016

1903: 1903 Planned Ty Tam reservoir expansion

1850: 1850 Green Bank

1980: 1980 - Central at night

1980: 1980 - Central at night

1980: 1980 - Central at night

1980: 1980 - Central at night

1980: 1980 - Central at night

: 1897 map of Cochrane Street
