Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

1979: 1979 - view from the Peak

2011: Avenue of the Stars with Starbucks

2011: Former Marine Police Headquarters 2011

1941: Tung Wah Hospital, panorama - collections.lib_.uwm_.edu_.jpg

1906: 1906 Hospital Hulk - Hygeia

1952: Wanchai view

1946: 1946 Wanchai view

1972: 1972 Admiralty district

1920: 1920s Canton Road

1956: 1956 Nathan Road

1954: 1954 Ladder street

1955: 1955 Hung Hom, Kowloon Bay Aerial View

1955: 1955 Miramar Hotel

1955: 1955 Cameron Road

1933: 1933 Wyndham Street

1956: 1956 Fenwick Street
