Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

2016: IMG_2722.JPG

2016: IMG_2727.JPG

2016: IMG_2730.JPG

2016: IMG_2731.JPG

2016: IMG_2736.JPG

2016: IMG_2743.JPG

2016: IMG_2747.JPG

2016: IMG_2749.JPG

2016: IMG_2754.JPG

2016: IMG_2761.JPG

: Peninsula Court 1970.jpg

1978: 1978 - Cheung Chau

1978: 1978 - Cheung Chau

1978: 1978 - Cheung Chau

1978: 1978 - Cheung Chau

: Potential C Cheung Painting found in Brisbane

: Close up of signature

1978: 1978 - Aberdeen

1978: 1978 - Aberdeen

: 1978 - Aberdeen

: 1978 - Aberdeen

: 1978 - Aberdeen

1965: 1960s Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club Betting Office.

1950: 1950s Junction of Hennessy Road and Canal Road East

1953: 1953 King's Road, North Point
