Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

1978: 1978 - view from the Peak

1978: 1978 - Victoria Peak Garden

1978: 1978 - view from the Peak

1978: 1978 - Lion's View Point Pavilion

1978: 1978 - view from the Peak

1978: 1978 - view from the Peak

1978: 1978 - view from the Peak

1978: 1978 - view from the Peak

2016: IMG_7854.JPG

2016: IMG_7858.JPG

2016: IMG_7860.JPG

2016: IMG_7866.JPG

1905: 1905 Seamen's Institute (Praya East ???)

: Photos for talk #3

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