Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

: MF KEY WWII Pg8.jpg

: MF KEY WWII Pg9.jpg

: Hong Kong WW11 01.jpg

: MF Key WWII pg2.jpg

: MF KEY WWII pg3.jpg

: MF KEY WWII Pg4.jpg

: MF KEY WWII Pg5.jpg

1945: 1945 Hankow Road

1930: Peninsula Hotel 1930.JPG

1942: TOA Hotel Hong Kong 1942.jpg

1929: 1920s Wanchai (Praya East) Reclamation

1910: Maurice KEY.jpg

: Z9. Chris Potter's shoes from camp.jpg

: 1. Whole group in Stanley Cemetery.jpg

: 2. Internees in Stanley Cemetery.jpg

: 3. Geoff speaking in the chapel.jpg

: 4. Winnie Wong holding Barbara Anslow's food container.jpg

: 5. Union Jack in chapel.jpg

: 6. Conner Hackett with painting of his mother.jpg

: 7. Main Hall at St Stephens.jpg

: 8. St Stephens playing field.jpg

: 9. Heritage gallery exterior.jpg

: A. Heritage gallery interior.jpg

: B. Correctional Services Club.jpg

: C. Married quarters.jpg
