Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

Click on any photo for more information and to see a larger copy you can zoom in to.

1978: 1978 Construction of Chater Garden

1964: 1964 Prat Avenue

1967: 1967 Hong Kong Cricket Club

1957: 1957 Signal Hill

1964: 1964 Cameron Road

1953: 1953 Kowloon Star Ferry

1953: 1953 Wellington Street

1965: 1965 D'aguilar Street

1964: 1964 Queensway and Union Jack Club

1949: 1949 Queen's Road Central

1955: Motor Launch Royal Navy 3510 n South Patrol.jpg

: Gilford Negs 009 Invert.jpg

1950: 132_People_Cloak_Room_Ground_Floor_HongKong_Hotel.jpg

1950: 134_People.jpg

1950: 135_People.jpg

2015: Map of High West

2015: Steps

2015: Pokfulam Conduit

2015: Path

2015: Path

2015: Tunnel entrance

2015: Look into tunnel

2015: Path

2015: Stream

2015: Trail
