Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1980: Aberdeen (1980)

1980: Aberdeen street market 1 (1980)

1980: Drying fish (1980)

1980: Roasting pigs on the street (1980)

1980: Aberdeen street market 2 (1980)

1980: Aberdeen harbour street (1980)

: 674967453.0.l.jpg

1912: AS Watson.jpg

2014: site of 10 & 11 The Peak

2015: access point

2015: lower terracing

2015: the front wall

2015: top of front wall

2015: front wall east corner

2015: wall at south west corner

2015: perimeter wall

2015: remains of outbuildings

2015: outbuildings from reverse angle

1966: Mt Austin Rd Playground 1966

1966: Mt Austin Road Playground 1966
