Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1920: 1920s At the harbour's edge

1962: Admiralty District-redevelopment proposal model-1962

1962: Central District-redevelopment proposal model-1962

2015: PB17 26/04/15

1953: 1953 Nathan Road, adjacent to Chungking Arcade

1883: Roman Catholic Cathedral and College

1934: Gillespie

1981: Gloucester Road 1980s

1981: Sailors Home, Luk Kwok Hotel 1980s

: Pillbox 17 1949.png

1950: Pillbox 17 1950s.jpg

1995: Pillbox 17 1995.jpg

2015: Pillbox 17 2015.jpg

1971: Pillbox 1971.png

1948: 16 Jul 1948, "Miss Macao" airplane crash

1954: Missions to Seaman building entrance on the right

1971: Harcourt House-China Fleet Club-Cross Harbour helicopter terminal

1980: Wanchai waterfront 1980

1904: 1904 City Hall

1933: Sailor's Home 1933

2015: Fortuna April 2015

1980: Tram on Queen's Road (1980)

1930: Group photo at Jockey Club c.1930

1980: Furama_Panorama (1980)

1980: Banks (1980)
