Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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2015: Sandy Bay and Mount Davis

1980: Furama Flyer 1980 (front)

1980: Furama Flyer 1980 (back)

1980: Furama flyer small (back)

1980: Furama flyer small (front)

2013: Baby John Olson's gravestone.jpg

1937: 1937 Chinese Stone Bridge

: Cressall gravestone.jpg

1966: Sea Terminal-aerial image location

1960: Sea Terminal-location Navy Street

1962: Sea Terminal-passenger area and shops

1962: Sea Terminal

: FW3 - HK - Govt House 1946.jpg

1963: Stone Arch Bridge-New Territories-where?

: FW9 - HK harbour night view - date unknownn.jpg

1895: 1890s Map of Central District

1895: Tai Koo Sanitarium

1895: 1890s Map of Hong Kong Island

1895: 1890s Map of Kowloon and New Territories

1907: D Noma, tattooer

1901: Cobbler

1901: Cobbler

1901: Compradore

1901: Tattooer

1901: Banner
