Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1953: Signs

1953: 8 QRC

1953: Annotated

1953: Car1

1953: Car2

1953: Clock

1953: 1950s Central

2015: Deducing the location of the north-western corner of 'inland lot no. 1299'.png

2015: Northern section of the possible western boundary of Victoria.png

2015: Snake

2015: Map

2015: Approaching the workmen's quarters

2015: Workmen's quarters window

2015: Workmen's quarters interior

2015: Possible location of the north-western corner of 'inland lot no. 1299'.png

2015: Streams at the wstern end of Victoria.png

2015: Streams near the western boundary of Victoria.jpg

: 'Gaps' between 'plots of land'.jpg

1881: Recycling in HK

2015: Close-up of western boundary of Victoria.jpg

2015: Western boundary of Victoria.jpg

2015: Western end of Victoria.jpg

1956: Original Wah Yan College, Kowloon

: Tai Po Mei.jpg

: Cart+pipes
