Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1953: Stephen Roberts Birthday

1953: Stephen Roberts Birthday

1953: Stephen Roberts Birthday

: Bank of China

1903: 1900s Jubilee Road

1983: USS MIDWAY-1983

1983: USS MIDWAY-1983

1866: 1866 Night Pass

1934: 1934 Quarry Bay School Spring Festival

1983: USS MIDWAY-Tail Codes NF-image-04

1983: USS MIDWAY-Tail Codes NF-image03

1983: USS MIDWAY-Tail Codes-NF-image-02

1983: USS MIDWAY-Tail Codes NF-image 01

1938: Lido at Repulse Bay 1938 (2)

1938: Lido at Repulse Bay 1938 (1)

1953: QUARRY BAY SCHOOL c1953-1954 - Sports Day winner

1953: QUARRY BAY SCHOOL c1953-1954 - Sports Day Sack Race

1953: QUARRY BAY SCHOOL c1953 - School Group

1975: anyone know the ship?

1969: hong kong Harbour 1969

1931: QBS French teacher 1930s (1)

1931: QBS French teacher 1930s (2)

1960: 1960s Birthday Party

1936: The King's Birthday parade, 1936

1931: The King's Birthday parade, 1931
