Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1926: 1920s Caine Road

2014: Retaining wall below Hop Yat Church

2014: Wall along Castle Road

2014: Tank & brick supports

2014: Tank & brick supports

2014: Gable of Bacteriological Institute

1926: Wall along Castle Road

1926: Tank, etc.

1926: Gable

1926: Buildings

1926: Children

1926: Police quarters on Caine Road

1926: Streetnames

1926: Staircase

1926: Ohel Leah Synagogue

1924: Victoria Peak Weather Station?

: St. John's Ambulance Brigade defense WWII memorial - detail

: St. John's Ambulance Brigade defense WWII memorial

1954: Quarry Bay School Sports Day1954

1983: Sai Kung house

1983: Aerial View of Sai Kung Town 1983

1941: 1941 Nursing Detachment, Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps

1922: 1922 Motor bike and side car Hong Kong

2014: Sai Kung Old House

1920: Siberian Train?
