Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1900: Duke of Connaught Statue

1910: Duke of Connaught Statue

1960: Spitfire F.24, VN485

1947: Pokfulham Resevoir

1970: Cat Street 1970 - browsing.

1950: Combined Schools cricket team in 1950

1949: 1949 Repulse Bay

1940: Aberdeen from The Peak

1963: 1960s Kadoorie Hill

1944: Japanese solider studio

1944: Japanese soldiers relax in Repulse Bay

1945: 1945 Racecourse

1945: View across Repulse Bay

1943: Conditions in Stanley Camp

1932: 1932 HMS Oswald

1930: R E Jones, submariner

1945: Photo of HKVDC # 4732 Private John Bernard Patrick Byrne – aka Barney - formally identified

1928: School photo

: Baker House

: Block 30, Lei Yue Mun Barracks

2013: Lookout Shelter with man-made cave in the back.

1945: Japanese troops on way to camp

1945: Bombed out Zetland Hall

1946: TST Railway Station 1946 - in camo

1946: Church Guest House/Martin House 1940s
