Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1937: Back of photo

2012: Barbara Anslow (the one on the right)

1951: Tai Koon Hotel in Hong Kong Year Book

2012: GORDON HARD-November 2012

2012: GORDON HARD-2012

1910: KCR Railway Entering Kowloon

1926: 1926 Landslide

1926: 1926 Landslide (II)

: S.S. Tungchow, C.N.C. ( China Navigation Co. advertisement)

1910: S.S. Honam. Hongkong , Canton & Macao Steamers (advertisement)

1930: c.1930 Cemetery

1930: c.1930 Funeral procession along Gap Road - photo #2

1930: c.1930 Funeral procession along Gap Road - photo #2

1897: Same View from the Observatory towards Tsim Sha Tsui but with HK Island Visible

1896: Victoria Harbour and Kowloon 1896-97 (Zoom-in)

2012: Mount Butler & Quarry Gap

2012: Buttress at Quarry Gap Terrace

2012: Terrace at Quarry Gap

1896: Victoria Harbour and Kowloon 1896-97

1940: This proves "U" never work

1926: 1926 Landslide

1926: Man on rock

1926: Note on back of photo

: IL 3004 & IL 3005 at shing wong street

1959: 1959 Map of Central
