Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central and Pottinger Street

1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central and Pottinger Street

1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central and Pottinger Street

1941: Queen's Road East ??

1941: Bowrington Canal Air Raid Pen-Shelters

1941: Bowrington Canal Air Raid Pen-Shelters

1941: Royal Air Laos DC6

1941: Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Streets

1948: 1948 Trans Asiatc Airlines Advertisement

1970: Lockhart Road,Wanchai,1970

1949: BOAC Air or Ground Hostess-1949

1949: BOAC Air Hostess-1949

1938: 1938 Peak School staff & students

1941: Ice House Street

1941: Gloucester Building and Hotel

1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central and Pedder Street

1941: Pedder Building

1941: King's Theatre

1941: Bowrington Canal Air Raid Pen-Shelters

1941: Bowrington Canal Air Raid Pen-Shelters

1941: Junction of Gloucester Road and O' Brien Road

1941: Junction of Gloucester Road and O' Brien Road

1941: Junction of Gloucester Road and O' Brien Road

1941: Junction of Leighton Road and Morrison Hill Road

1941: Bowrington Canal Air Raid Pen-Shelters
