Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1941: Hong Kong Club

1940: 1940s Wanchai Salvation Army Food Kitchen (South of Hennessy Rd)

1940: Eastern Junction of Hennessy and Johnston Roads

1940: Eastern Junction of Hennessy and Johnston Roads

1940: Eastern Junction of Hennessy and Johnston Roads

1941: Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (1st generation)

1940: Eastern Junction of Hennessy and Johnston Roads

1941: Junction of Leighton Road and Tung Lo Wan Road

1941: HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd Generation)

1941: HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd Generation)

1941: King's Theatre Film Billboard

1941: King's Theatre

1941: Central Market (3rd Generation)

1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central & Wing Lok Street

1941: Junction of Des Voeux Road Central & Wing Lok Street

1941: Sincere Department Store

1941: New Oriental Building

1940: Junction of Battery Path and Queen's Road Central

1941: Central Star Ferry Pier (2nd Location)

1940: Central Star Ferry Pier (2nd Location)

1940: Queen's Road Central - King's Theatre Building

1941: Former American Asiatic Underwriters (Asia Life) Building

1940: Former Supreme Court

1940: Former Supreme Court

1941: The Peak
