Recently added photos of old Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Recently added photos of old Hong Kong

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1951: Tai Koo May 51 001

1953: Coronation Procession

1953: Coronation Procession

2012: Dragon Lodge

1921: Lugard Road

1921: Lugard Road construction

1919: Lugard Road construction

1919: Lugard Road construction

1919: Lugard Road construction

1919: Lugard Road construction

1919: Lugard Road construction

1919: Lugard Road construction

1940: ARP portal ???, opposite HSBC

1940: ARP portal ???, opposite HSBC

1940: ARP portal ???, opposite HSBC

1941: Newspaper Seller

1941: American Express Company Building

1941: Bank of East Asia

1941: HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd Generation)

1941: HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd Generation)

1941: Statue of King Edward VII in Statue Square

1941: Statue of Queen Alexandra in Statue Square

1941: American Express Office Sign

1940: Star Ferry Terminal, TST and KCR Terminus

1941: Praya Central Commercial Buildings
